F’daqqa waħda ġara xi ħaġa u kulħadd beda jiġri kemm jiflaħ. Lura minn fejn ġejna. Xammejt il-gass tad-dmugħ. Il-folla bdiet tinbotta lura. Ġrejna kemm flaħna. Eluf ta’ nies jiġru geġwiġija, kważi naqgħu f’saqajn xulxin. Ħin minnhom il-ħamrija sfrondat taħt saqajja u waqajt. Ħija ġibidni mill-ġakketta tal-jeans u qajjimni. “Igri!,” qalli. Komplejna niġru. Kienu ħafru toqob…
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There are many types of leadership; as many, perhaps, as leaders themselves. But, in general, leadership styles can be positioned on a continuum between two poles, these being the transformational leadership model and its opposite, the transactional model. These terms were first coined by American late-20th century sociologist James V. Downton and were later developed…
Read MoreIn the late 1960s, I was very active in student politics and thinking seriously about pursuing a vocation in national politics. Within the Nationalist Party, three men of the younger generation stood out. Guido De Marco was, nationally, the more visible. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici was someone I much admired from afar. Then there was Eddie,…
Read MoreI was a Law student and President of the University Students’ Council when Dr Eddie Fenech Adami became Nationalist Party Leader in 1977. These were turbulent times. Labour had achieved its second electoral victory a year earlier in an atmosphere of corrupt practices and serious abuses – in particular through intimidation of elderly patients at…
Read MoreI started my political and photographic journey with Eddie Fenech Adami just after the stolen 1981 election. Like many, I was urged by the sheer injustice to a man who had been the people’s choice in that election, yet was still leader of the opposition because of electoral district gerrymandering. And of course, we had…
Read MoreWara r-riżultat ‘pervers’ tal-Elezzjonijiet Ġenerali tal-1981, żdiedet il-pressjoni tal-eletturi Nazzjonalisti, l-iktar fuq Eddie Fenech Adami bħala Kap, u b’xi mod anki fuqna d-deputati fis-sens li ladarba konna maġġoranza, ma kellniex nirrassenjaw rwieħna li nibqgħu fl-Oppożizzjoni. Ħafna kienu jgħidulna: “Ara kieku s-sitwazzjoni kienet bil-maqlub, huma kienu jwaqqgħu kull ma hawn.” Kien hemm min kien jissuġġerixxi s-sabotaġġi,…
Read MoreIf ever there was a phrase that epitomises Eddie Fenech Adami it must be “Is-Sewwa Jirbah Zgur” – coined by him, repeated ‘ad nauseam’, ridiculed by opponents and hardly believed by friends, in three short words it encapsulated all that Eddie believed in. The phrase was coined at a time when the horizon seemed to…
Read MoreHemm hafna akkwisti li ghamel Eddie Fenech Adami ghall-partit u ghall-pajjiz. Rebbieh ta` hames elezzjonijiet generali, id-dhul ta` Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropeja, il-bini ta` socjeta` moderna, mal-Punent, u ta` ekonomija hielsa izda b` direzzjoni socjali, il-modernisazzjoni tal-infrastruttura, b` progetti li ghadhom iservuna sal-lum. Izda ghalija l-akbar moment ta` Eddie Fenech Adami kien, meta quddiem il-kadavru ta`…
Read MoreHenry Kissinger once said that the task of a leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. This statement is a perfect description of what has inspired all the leaders of the Nationalist Party throughout Malta’s journey to achieve independence, entrench democratic values and proclaim our European…
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