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Grazzi Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami ta dak kollu li ghamilt ghal pajjizna. Fil-vokabularju m’hemmx kliem bizzejjed biex tirringrazzjak ta dak kollu li ghamilt. Ser nibqa niftakkrek bhala Missier Malta Hielsa, Moderna u Ewropea.
Awguri tas-sahha u sliem ghal futur.
As a young boy in the early 80s, having gone through the dark times in Malta’s political history, Eddie was always there, shining like a beacon for those who believed in the ideals of a fair society. As I grew older I could see and experience how Eddie’s leadership, together with his team, transformed Malta from a third world economy to a forward-looking and respected European country.
He was the ideal man for the times who took some very tough decisions which shaped my future and that of an entire nation.
Grazzi Eddie. Ad multos annos!
Nghid il-verita li kont aktar inklinat li Guido De Marco jkun il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista wara George Borg Olivier. Lil Guido ghadni nuri l-akbar stima lejh bhala personagg kbir fl-istorja ta’ Malta u l-Ewropa. Pero, b’Eddie Fenech Adami bhala Kap tal-partit u bhala Mexxej tal-pajjiz, Malta ghamlet il-mirakli. Dan kollu dovut ghall-Eddie li bhala statista mexxa lil Malta miz-zmien id-dlam ghall pajjiz modern u l-ghira ta’ pajjizi ohra. Fenech Adami hu pedina importanti fil-kullana ta’ mexxejja Nazzjonalisti wara Fortunato Mizzi, Ugo Pasquale Mifsud, Enrico Mizzi, u Gorg Borg Olivier. Wara Eddie, Lawrence Gonzi mexxa l-pajjiz minn zmien iebes fid-dinja kollha u rnexxilu jzomm lil Malta b’finanzi sodi u futur tajjeb. Illum nahseb li Simon Busuttil ghandu l-istess karatteristici ta’ Eddie u perswas li hu ser ikun il-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta li jista jerga jgholli isem Malta fil-livell li jixraqlu. Ta’ dan kollu nghid Grazzi Eddie.
Dak li ghamilt int ghal Malta u Ghawdex ma jista jaghmlu hadd.
Your vision, values and hard work have left a great, positive impact on my life. Eternally grateful to you and my parents..
Born 1976
Grazzi Missier!
I attended practically all your meetings in my childhood years. Your speeches, the values you encouraged us to value and fight for, have shaped me throughout my entire professional career. The only remorse I have is that despite all that hard work and good will, in 2016, just after three years of Labour in government we are back to those dark days of blatent corruption. Evidently, both yourself and your successors should have been much bolder in your efforts to ensure that principles of good governance and much more bi-partisan consensus is required on key appointments to those institutions that guarantee the rule of law, good governance and honestly in all spheres of public life. The structures PN put in place where may but clearly not sufficient. Hope that you find time to reflect and perhaps give some directional suggestions to future leaders in this respect.
Ghandna bzonn bniedem iehor ta’ l-istatura politika ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami biex jghinna nnaddfu il-korruzzjoni li qed tifni lil dan il-pajjiz.
Grazzi Eddie. Bl-ghaqal, perseveranzsa, kuragg, sagrificcju, tmexxija ghaqlija u umilta`, gibt demokrazzija, gid u paci f’din il gzira.
Eddie Fenech Adami is one of Malta's most influential statesman whose contribution led to the development of a democratic state based on the respect of fundamental human rights and civil liberties which were regularly abused prior to his election as Prime Minister in 1987.
A Nationalist Party (P.N.) politician, Eddie served as Prime Minister of Malta from 1987 until 1996, and again from 1998 until 2004. He led his party to win five general elections, in 1981, 1987, 1992, 1998 and 2003. Staunchly pro-European, he led the country to join the European Union in 2004 after having won a national referendum. Fenech Adami is the longest serving Maltese Prime Minister since Malta's independence in 1964.
This historical web archive presently seeks to document a number of political meetings addressed by Eddie Fenech Adami in the run-up to the crucial 1987 general election.
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