Category: Uncategorized

Eddie: the come what may politician

Steve Mallia

As I conducted the 48 interviews with Eddie Fenech Adami that gradually metamorphosed into Eddie-My Journey – the autobiography he was hugely reluctant to publish – there was one phrase he repeated that resonated, with me at least, more brightly than any other: ‘Come what may.’ So indelibly were these words imprinted on my mind…

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Eddie through the lens

Darrin Zammit Lupi

Browsing through this collection of photographs documenting moments in the public life of Eddie Fenech Adami in the eighties is like stepping into a time hole.  I remember those days vividly and am sure that I appear in some of the images, albeit as a little unrecognisable dot in the ones which show large crowds.…

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Ma’ Eddie fis-snin tal-“missjoni”

Richard Muscat

Is-snin mill-1981 sal-1987, li fihom wettaqt il-missjoni politika tax-xandir tal-messagg politiku tal-Partit Nazzjonalista minn Ragusa, u s-snin ta’ wara li fihom kont imcahhad milli nirritorna f’pajjizi, kienu dawk li fihom personalment kont l-aktar vicin tieghu. Ser nikkoncentra, ghalhekk, il-hsibijiet tieghi dwar Eddie Fenech Adami fuq kif nafu f’dawk is-snin. Kien hu stess li fdali din…

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Forging long-lasting European ties

Noel Buttigieg Scicluna

When Eddie became Leader of the Party he inherited few and rather loose relationships with other political Parties belonging to the same political family as the PN, namely following a Christian Democratic ideology. His predecessor, George Borg Olivier took a rather pragmatic approach to such Associations. However, considering the erratic behavior of Dom Mintoff and…

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L-aktar elezzjoni kruċjali fi 52 sena ta’ sovranità

L-elezzjoni tal-1987 kienet, tista’ tgħid, l-aktar elezzjoni kruċjali għal pajjiżna f’dawn l-aħħar 52 sena ta’ sovranità. Elezzjonijiet importanti kien hemm, imma din l-elezzjoni fissret l-għażla kruċjali bejn, fuq naħa waħda, id-demokrazija, il-libertà u l-valuri Ewropej u, min-naħa l-oħra, stil ta’ Gvern awtokratiku dipendenti u mudellat fuq pajjiżi tat-Tielet Dinja. Il-programm ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami għall-Gvern…

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