Julian Fenech Adami

Ispirazzjoni ghal Kulhadd.

Kull zaghzugh li jaspira karriera fil-politika ghandu jzomm lil Eddie Fenech Adami bhala mudell. L-imhabba lejn il-gzejjer Maltin dehret mhux biss fi kliemu, izda anke fid-decizjonijiet kollha li ttiehdu minn dan il-politiku integru u gust. J G

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EU, a stepping stone to a brighter future.

I was never heavily involved in politics and never kept myself updated with political debates or election fever. However, the period building up to the EU referendum made me rethink about my opinion on politics. In Eddie I saw a man who truly believed in the greater good for the country and always placed us…

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Ad Multos Annos

“George Borg Olivier was a Statesman, Dom Mintoff was a politician, but Eddie Fenech Adami was both”. He has written a new page in the Maltese history with his Foresight, Leadership, Stability, and most of all his Governance. A God Sent for the country. His leadership was, above all, an example to one and all.…

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“He was what Malta needed”

The name Eddie Fenech Adami brings back many memories of when I was in my teens. Those were bad times to say the least, but Eddie was there to show us the way and lead us forward, always keeping in mind peace, justice and freedom. As my late father used to say, he was what…

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Unclouded Vision

I do not think that contemplating the life of a man of Dr. Fenech Adami's stature can ever do him justice; I believe, however, that we honor his ideals best by seeking to learn from his dedication to democratic and pro-European principles. My outlook on our country's future will always be guided by the conviction…

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The only hope Malta had.

Although not being born in the 80’s, I probably know more about Eddie than I know about my own family. On a weekly basis, my family spoke highly about Eddie, ranging from the beginning of his political career, the harsh realities under a labour government, all the way down to his presidency. At first, I…

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