Tag: Eddie Fenech Adami

Transformational leadership

John Zammit

There are many types of leadership; as many, perhaps, as leaders themselves. But, in general, leadership styles can be positioned on a continuum between two poles, these being the transformational leadership model and its opposite, the transactional model. These terms were first coined by American late-20th century sociologist James V. Downton and were later developed…

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Eddie through the lens

Darrin Zammit Lupi

Browsing through this collection of photographs documenting moments in the public life of Eddie Fenech Adami in the eighties is like stepping into a time hole.  I remember those days vividly and am sure that I appear in some of the images, albeit as a little unrecognisable dot in the ones which show large crowds.…

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L-aktar elezzjoni kruċjali fi 52 sena ta’ sovranità

L-elezzjoni tal-1987 kienet, tista’ tgħid, l-aktar elezzjoni kruċjali għal pajjiżna f’dawn l-aħħar 52 sena ta’ sovranità. Elezzjonijiet importanti kien hemm, imma din l-elezzjoni fissret l-għażla kruċjali bejn, fuq naħa waħda, id-demokrazija, il-libertà u l-valuri Ewropej u, min-naħa l-oħra, stil ta’ Gvern awtokratiku dipendenti u mudellat fuq pajjiżi tat-Tielet Dinja. Il-programm ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami għall-Gvern…

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