Tag: Raymond Caruana

Twemmin politiku imsejjes fuq principji Nsara

Tonio Borg

Hemm hafna akkwisti li ghamel Eddie Fenech Adami ghall-partit u ghall-pajjiz. Rebbieh ta` hames elezzjonijiet generali, id-dhul ta` Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropeja, il-bini ta` socjeta`  moderna, mal-Punent, u ta` ekonomija hielsa izda b` direzzjoni socjali, il-modernisazzjoni tal-infrastruttura, b` progetti li ghadhom iservuna sal-lum. Izda ghalija l-akbar moment ta` Eddie Fenech Adami kien, meta quddiem il-kadavru ta`…

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Eddie: the come what may politician

Steve Mallia

As I conducted the 48 interviews with Eddie Fenech Adami that gradually metamorphosed into Eddie-My Journey – the autobiography he was hugely reluctant to publish – there was one phrase he repeated that resonated, with me at least, more brightly than any other: ‘Come what may.’ So indelibly were these words imprinted on my mind…

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